Plastic millennium ltd is a recycling company located in Israel
Our company has hi standard and excellent reputation in the plastic industry,
The company is recognized by the Israeli industry and quality of the environment Ministry.
We would like to interest you in some of our lead products.
1. Polypropylene-ground for black
2. Polypropylene-ground for natural
3. Polyethylene-L. D. P. E natural
4. Polypropylene-granulated for black
5. Polypropylene-granulated for natural
6. Polystyrene-ground for black
7. Polyethylene-H. D. P. E ground for black
All of our products are hi quality material that was processing in our factory.
For more details our office will be happy to answer.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Whit best regards
Mr. Dor Klein
Plast. Y. K Milennium Ltd Mobile: + 972-5-47574409
Fax: + 972-3-9072902
Office: 972-3-9072779
Website: WWW. Plasticmillennium. Co. Il